Wednesday 16 May 2012


What happens when your teammate happens to get 4 double kills in the first 15 minutes ... HE STARTS STEAM ROLLING! Yeap, thats what happened when HEADCAT, crossfear, WhatThePuak and I saw happen in game. Our team consisted of an AM, a Tidehunter, and ES, a Windrunner, and a Huskar as the random who AMAZED us all. Crossfear, HEADCAT and I were quietly pulling, harassing and farming away in top lane, then our ears experienced the bellowing announcer ... well announcing a DOUBLE KILL. I suspect all our eyes flew to the bottom left and there it was, HUSKAR SCORED A DOU - DOU - DOUBLE KILL! And so the game continued picking of towers and lone heroes until we PENETRATED the enemy base at around the 25 minute mark with a LEVEL 25 HUSKAR WITH ... wait for it ... POWER TREADS and ... wait for it ... HELM OF THE DOMINATOR and ... wait for it ... BLACK KING BAR and ... wait for it ... wait ... wait ... waaaaiiiittt ... A DIVINE RAPIEEEEERRR! Not to mention that our happy farming carry AM with power treads, manta, heart and battle furry. Oh, not mention a spectre who was a bit mad on the opposing side, criticising Crossfear (AM), a carry, of farming all game, should tell that to DK. Burning. haha. Well, thats our game (which we won). ttyl

Friday 11 May 2012

Basic Pulling Guide :D

As a support player, it is important to know how to support your carry in the early stages of game, as a carry without farm is a dead carry.

For the carry to farm safely in the early stages, you will want the enemy creep wave as close to your tower as possible. The BEST way to ensure this is to creep pull.

Creep pulling, as the name suggests, simply means pulling your own creep wave out the lane and into the jungle to engage neutral creeps. How do we do this? At the 15 second and 45 second mark, attack the neutral creep camps (shown in the image) and walk over to the lane immediately afterwards in the direction of your first tower. Creeps will come to aid you in the battle against the neutral creeps. With the neutral creeps feeling homesick, they will return to their camp, but with a rowdy bunch of creeps hot on their tail. Simply follow the mob and last hit those neutrals for gold and exp and deny as many of your own creeps so they don't return to lane.

There are a few of positives from this:
1.       The enemy creep wave will not have competition, and hence will travel further down the lane into your territory and hopefully into your tower range. The results:
a.       The enemy heroes cannot farm or gain exp
b.      Your carry gets to farm and get exp without the fear of being the victim to a first blood attempt
2.       Your carry gains the full amount of exp from the wave while you still gain a steady stream of exp from farming the neutral creeps.
3.    You indirectly deny the opposing heroes of exp through the deaths of the lane creep during this onslaught against the neutral creeps.

So you can clearly see that pulling creeps is very beneficial to the cause of taking down your opponents. However, your opponents also may know of pulling and may try to stop you. Firstly, when you pull, experienced players will see that the sudden large advancement of their creeps indicate a pull on the opposing side, so they may attempt to catch you off guard in the jungle, so keep an eye on your mini-map, make sure you know where your enemies are, and if they come to get you, best to back off a bit.

However, there are players who will prevent you to pull from the get go. They do this by placing an observer ward at the camp which you pull with before the first neutral camp can spawn, giving them vision of the camp and preventing neutral creeps to spawn while the observer ward is there (they are very shy), RUINING your brilliant scheme. From here you two options:

1.       Buy some sentry wards and kill there observer ward. Careful as they will see that you are trying to kill their observer ward, so keep an eye on the mini-map. Also, be sure not to place your sentry somewhere which will prevent the neutrals from spawning.
2.       Stop pulling until after 6 minutes (observer ward’s lifespan) then start pulling again.

But what they know, you now know. So, if you happen to be placed in a lane which allows the opposition, use these techniques against them if you wish.

Pictures below illustrate some of the above:
Dire pulling camp
Radiant pulling camp
Where are the creeps? Are they scared?
That is why! -____-

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Well, that is our guide to BASIC pulling, (more on stacking, double pulling, triple pulling, and ancient stack later) that is it from this manly fruit, ttyl.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

My farm is the farm that will pierce the throne!

Hello readers, I go by the name Crossfear in the community of dota2, and I play the role of a hard carry, soo... you won't see me participating much in early game team fights =). In a game, I usually farm in my lane with support from best supporters Kumquatman, HEADCAT, Pixie or Snorlaxx, depends on who is laning with me xD, but never from Whathepuak though due mutual hatred towards one another >=D . In early game, my job is to Farm, farm and farm.. till late game where

I keel them trolls/faggots who dares to bad mouth my team mates >=D

Though we are not the best, we certainly are improving game after game, and one day we might even enter a dota tournament and win it hehehe (Just a dream but yes, wouldn't be bad if it does come true)

Oh, and my favourite heroes are
Anti mage- Mobile carry, burns mana, kills everything fast, unmatched till late game by other hard carries.
Shadow Fiend- Challenging, fun, still practising at razing
Priestess of the moon- Arrowing is challenging and if landed a sense of achievement is felt because its hard hehe
Invoker- Ten spells at his disposal, nuff said :D

That's it for now, ttyl.
Credits for HEADCAT for making this awesome blog

Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Panic Button

I remember when I first started playing dota, everyone told me that phoenix was a difficult hero to play and hardly anyone used it.

But I chose it anyway, and never looked back hahaha.

HELLOOoOoo there, I'm Gem aka Pixie on Dota 2.  A complete and utter nub at the game but I play anyway because I discovered how fun it was :D  I'm here to represent all the amateurs that want to learn how to play, the casual gamers who only play once in a while & well... as you may have noticed I'm like, the only girl in the group (not that it really matters since girl gamers aren't as ~rare~ as people might think).  BUT YES!

I mostly play support.  In the beginning I always liked the more action-packed heroes because well, nothing's more fun than getting kills in game tbh LOL  But turns out my playstyle is far more suited to support, so in Dota 2 I have picked up that role instead of my usual in-between role which I took on when I monopolised the use of Phoenix in all our games.

Yeah, I'm a little bit obsessed with Phoenix (icefrog, pl0x add him into dota 2!)

Well I hardly get any kills, and as the guys know from my "OHMYGOSH DID I GET A KILL?!" and "LOOK LOOK I DID IT!" andddd "SHIT PANIC BUTTON!" that I am HIGHLY enthusiastic when i do.

Oh and I am known for my panic button spazzes.  LOL.  Phoenix's ulti is super nova, which is basically a skill where I turn into a fireball and make massive explosions and erryone burns but I CANT MOVE AT ALL (although I come out completely healed after).  Anyway, when I first played and heaps of stuff started happening (like the other team ganking or attacking) then I would get ~overwhelmed~ and accidentally press ulti- the origins of the panic button!  hahaha

I'm admittedly not the best at this game... ROFL im still a beginner even after playing a few months casually.  You won't find me pubbing or gaming often with the rest of EiN1, but I'm trying to improve every game I play :D

Thats all for now,
xx Gem

PS.  Thanks to my dear boyfran HEADCAT for starting this blog & for of course, introducing me to this game :D


Apparently, I am supposed to make an introductory post. So here it is!

I am known as WhathePuak in the Dota2 community and I am awesome FECKING PRO most of the time. I love having a friendly game without text abuse and intentional feeding. I love chocolate and pancakes. I also love pies. Blueberry pies are awesome. I had blueberry pie last week. It was fantabulous, hmm.. yumm.

I just realized I went off-topic... awks. Back to dota.

Windrunner is the bootilicious-red head babe that I love using in Dota games. I do reasonably well with her and the role that I play in most games is the initiator/utility role. This means getting items that help other heroes and initiate fights using her incredibly aim-reliant stun and long range nuke.

Ain't she a beaut?

Alright, that's all for now. I'm going back to my crap-ass-fecking-tard-biology-work. Ciao.

OH WAIT, credits and thanks for HEADCAT for making such a great blog!

Monday 7 May 2012


I am the super manly KUMQUATMAN! I am the tanky initiating support player of EiN1. You will often find me in laning with Crossfear, pulling them creeps to let him farm. And then I run in and let off a big whooping stun and let him get a kill :D

I'm also an avid anime watcher, interested animes with a big robots which smash stuff.

Not that into music, but I have respect for the music which respects the purity of music.

That's it from this tanky fruit, ttyl


as mentioned above, i love sleeping, i can easily fall asleep basically anywhere, though i haven't slept once while playing DOTA, because it gets me so EXCITED and PUMPED UP. I love playing supports(though im still trying to learn where to ward =.=), because you don't have to farm as much, and i really hate farming (also because im bad at it). I love helping teammates getting kills/help them escape. my favourite heroes are CM/VS/AA That is all for now, as i have 2 assignments due this week =(