Wednesday 16 May 2012


What happens when your teammate happens to get 4 double kills in the first 15 minutes ... HE STARTS STEAM ROLLING! Yeap, thats what happened when HEADCAT, crossfear, WhatThePuak and I saw happen in game. Our team consisted of an AM, a Tidehunter, and ES, a Windrunner, and a Huskar as the random who AMAZED us all. Crossfear, HEADCAT and I were quietly pulling, harassing and farming away in top lane, then our ears experienced the bellowing announcer ... well announcing a DOUBLE KILL. I suspect all our eyes flew to the bottom left and there it was, HUSKAR SCORED A DOU - DOU - DOUBLE KILL! And so the game continued picking of towers and lone heroes until we PENETRATED the enemy base at around the 25 minute mark with a LEVEL 25 HUSKAR WITH ... wait for it ... POWER TREADS and ... wait for it ... HELM OF THE DOMINATOR and ... wait for it ... BLACK KING BAR and ... wait for it ... wait ... wait ... waaaaiiiittt ... A DIVINE RAPIEEEEERRR! Not to mention that our happy farming carry AM with power treads, manta, heart and battle furry. Oh, not mention a spectre who was a bit mad on the opposing side, criticising Crossfear (AM), a carry, of farming all game, should tell that to DK. Burning. haha. Well, thats our game (which we won). ttyl

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