Tuesday 8 May 2012

The Panic Button

I remember when I first started playing dota, everyone told me that phoenix was a difficult hero to play and hardly anyone used it.

But I chose it anyway, and never looked back hahaha.

HELLOOoOoo there, I'm Gem aka Pixie on Dota 2.  A complete and utter nub at the game but I play anyway because I discovered how fun it was :D  I'm here to represent all the amateurs that want to learn how to play, the casual gamers who only play once in a while & well... as you may have noticed I'm like, the only girl in the group (not that it really matters since girl gamers aren't as ~rare~ as people might think).  BUT YES!

I mostly play support.  In the beginning I always liked the more action-packed heroes because well, nothing's more fun than getting kills in game tbh LOL  But turns out my playstyle is far more suited to support, so in Dota 2 I have picked up that role instead of my usual in-between role which I took on when I monopolised the use of Phoenix in all our games.

Yeah, I'm a little bit obsessed with Phoenix (icefrog, pl0x add him into dota 2!)

Well I hardly get any kills, and as the guys know from my "OHMYGOSH DID I GET A KILL?!" and "LOOK LOOK I DID IT!" andddd "SHIT PANIC BUTTON!" that I am HIGHLY enthusiastic when i do.

Oh and I am known for my panic button spazzes.  LOL.  Phoenix's ulti is super nova, which is basically a skill where I turn into a fireball and make massive explosions and erryone burns but I CANT MOVE AT ALL (although I come out completely healed after).  Anyway, when I first played and heaps of stuff started happening (like the other team ganking or attacking) then I would get ~overwhelmed~ and accidentally press ulti- the origins of the panic button!  hahaha

I'm admittedly not the best at this game... ROFL im still a beginner even after playing a few months casually.  You won't find me pubbing or gaming often with the rest of EiN1, but I'm trying to improve every game I play :D

Thats all for now,
xx Gem

PS.  Thanks to my dear boyfran HEADCAT for starting this blog & for of course, introducing me to this game :D

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