Tuesday 8 May 2012


Apparently, I am supposed to make an introductory post. So here it is!

I am known as WhathePuak in the Dota2 community and I am awesome FECKING PRO most of the time. I love having a friendly game without text abuse and intentional feeding. I love chocolate and pancakes. I also love pies. Blueberry pies are awesome. I had blueberry pie last week. It was fantabulous, hmm.. yumm.

I just realized I went off-topic... awks. Back to dota.

Windrunner is the bootilicious-red head babe that I love using in Dota games. I do reasonably well with her and the role that I play in most games is the initiator/utility role. This means getting items that help other heroes and initiate fights using her incredibly aim-reliant stun and long range nuke.

Ain't she a beaut?

Alright, that's all for now. I'm going back to my crap-ass-fecking-tard-biology-work. Ciao.

OH WAIT, credits and thanks for HEADCAT for making such a great blog!

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