Monday 7 May 2012

DotA is like gambling.

Sometimes, DotA is the hardest game ever to keep on playing. And yet people (ourselves included) keep going back. The gambler's mentality takes hold, telling you that you'll win the next game, BUT YOU NEVER DO AND IT REALLY SUCKS D:

- It's always ES's fault, poor guy.

SO guys, while I'm on my 7-loss-streak [C-c-c-c-c-c-ombo breaker!] let me take this period of sanity to advise future generations that regardless of how many losses you get, don't get yourself down like poor ES over here! Take it in your stride, talk to new people (like this dude named BIGRICK today who was absolutely hilarious) and move on to the next game. Eventually, the losses will stop and DotA becomes fun again! :3

Oh, also don't get mad, that's just what they want you to do. If someone talks crap, tell em to



1 comment:

  1. Many poinMany thanks for this brilliant post! ts have extremely useful. Hopefully you'll continue sharing your knowledge around.
