Monday 7 May 2012

Everyone is Number 1 - Chivalry is not dead.

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, along with inquisitive parents (GAME? AGAIN?),

Welcome to the first post of EiN1's blog! This page will be home to our many DotA escapades, where we plan to keep a log of every interesting game we play for you, our dear readers to gain reading value (i.e. learnin' the ways without your parents knowing).

HOWEVER! We also plan to show you the ins and outs of our gaming, and entertainment footprints, ranging from the music we listen to that pumps us up or gets us ready to study (yes, we're not stupid), along with anime we're watching, theoretical strategies we formulate, and any IDEAS we have!

Let this be not a blog that caters for the DotA crowd only, but one that garners respect from all like-minded gamers and entertainment enthusiasts as we come together (that's what she said) to enjoy the beautiful miracles that arise from the life of a gamer.

To kick things off, I would like to introduce us. Unlike most clans, we're not actually that good at DotA. However, unlike your typical rag-tag group of shoddily matched players, we're all in it for each other - most of us friends for at least, a good 2-3 years, some even going way back to '06. We started DotA at various times during those years and have been growing in skill ever since.

  • I go by the alias "HEADCAT", the result of too many hours spent on YouTube, and too many days stranded in the throes of lolcats. I've been playing for a good 6 or so years, however it's mostly been a process of playing for shits and giggles, with no real learning going on in my head. Ironic, I know. As a result, I'm probably not the best I could be given the time I've blown on this silly game, but recently I've gained the conviction to actively practice and get better, especially at the support and ganking/roaming role.
    • Favourite Heroes: 
      • Pudge
      • Earthshaker

  • Next up is Pixie, or better known by her nickname "Gem" irl. She began playing DotA only recently, and although is still picking up the ropes, is a reliable support, a passionate phoenix (DotA2 y u no haz phoenix yet?!), and a loving girlfriend :). She looks to improve in the future while balancing her intense degree at uni to keep her scholarship - quite the ballsy deal.
    • Favourite Heroes:
      • Crystal Maiden
      • Phoenix
      • Death Prophet

  • Taking up the semi-carry role most of the time is WhatThePuak, username built upon a foundation of intense wordplay, complementing his 999 IQ - the one and only Commander (of the mid-game only of course). Great guy in the real world, works many, many hours at a cheapass asian restaurant that pays him $10 an hour - but he doesn't give a shit - cue honey badger -  cause hes a symbol of the true Chinese-Malaysian-Australian hybrid bloke dat neva gonna giv yew up. 
    • Favourite Heroes Heroine:
      • ^ Words of wisdom: just FF when he picks this steaming hot bundle of sex cause you'll be shackled down ready to be violated before you even realise the debauchery that is about to take place. DotA is just a game. It's not worth it.

  • A wild Snorlaxx has appeared! You don't want to wake the Snorlax when he's snoozing, cause if you do, you obviously haven't seen Pokemon yet. Spending 90% of his awake time asleep, he still manages to ez his classes no worries. Some speculate that he learns in his slumber, but they may only guess, as nothing is certain with this enigmatic individual. Even though he falls asleep on the job sometimes, he's still a roaming support to watch out for.
    • Favourite Heroes:
      • Vengeful Spirit
      • Crystal Maiden

  • Busy with uni life far away, our once Schoolmate - now Skype-mate, tag-name "Sanity" is a Korean superstar with APM of 9001. With no real preference of hero aside from not being a support, he is a superbly flexible player that is able to play almost any role required in a game. Famous for his universal online greeting of "sup", he dazzles all with his glory and the distinct way the troll. "UMAD?" 
     - disclaimer: we do not endorse intentionally making people mad.
    • Favourite Heroes:
      • Xin the fire panda
      • Pudge

  • Taking up the reins as the hard carry, Crossfear is certainly one to be feared. He persuades all with his farming skills and is a solid leader with impenetrable strategy. If everything goes to shit, keep Crossfear alive. Without him, no game will be won, no game victorious. Losing? No worries! He got this.
    • Favourite Heroes:
      • Anti-Mage (the vagina)  gemmy hates that idea
      • Shadow Fiend
      • PotM

  • What happens when you mix one hellva manly asian orange with the manliest man there has ever existed? You get a Kumquat-man that's what. Preferring the MANLY heroes with BIG MUSCAL (LOOK AT THAT BODY) like:
      • You just can't leave.
That's all folks! Our team, our vision and our gameplay, all in a convenient XXL-sized bundle. We will strive to bring you the latest from our clan and what we do, so tune in next week for more! Thanks for reading :3

Until next time,


1 comment:


    i liek your post :D
