Wednesday, 9 May 2012

My farm is the farm that will pierce the throne!

Hello readers, I go by the name Crossfear in the community of dota2, and I play the role of a hard carry, soo... you won't see me participating much in early game team fights =). In a game, I usually farm in my lane with support from best supporters Kumquatman, HEADCAT, Pixie or Snorlaxx, depends on who is laning with me xD, but never from Whathepuak though due mutual hatred towards one another >=D . In early game, my job is to Farm, farm and farm.. till late game where

I keel them trolls/faggots who dares to bad mouth my team mates >=D

Though we are not the best, we certainly are improving game after game, and one day we might even enter a dota tournament and win it hehehe (Just a dream but yes, wouldn't be bad if it does come true)

Oh, and my favourite heroes are
Anti mage- Mobile carry, burns mana, kills everything fast, unmatched till late game by other hard carries.
Shadow Fiend- Challenging, fun, still practising at razing
Priestess of the moon- Arrowing is challenging and if landed a sense of achievement is felt because its hard hehe
Invoker- Ten spells at his disposal, nuff said :D

That's it for now, ttyl.
Credits for HEADCAT for making this awesome blog